Step Plate Sub-Assembly Lower Left Hand

About this product

The Step Plate Sub-Assembly Lower Left Hand (#61408-62010), a key body part in the Side Member system of any Toyota vehicle, serves a primary role in maintaining the structural integrity of the vehicle. This part supports the frame of the vehicle and helps to distribute the load evenly, ensuring balanced handling and safe operation. Genuine Toyota parts, such as the Step Plate Sub-Assembly Lower Left Hand (#61408-62010), align seamlessly with the vehicle, offering optimal compatibility and performance. Toyota also backs these parts with a genuine parts warranty as an assurance of quality and reliability. However, like all mechanical components, the Step Plate Sub-Assembly Lower Left Hand (#61408-62010) is subject to wear and tear. A damaged or old Step Plate Sub-Assembly Lower Left Hand (#61408-62010) can compromise the structure of the vehicle, affecting its stability and safety. Hence, periodic replacement is crucial to maintain the vehicle's performance and safety. The Step Plate Sub-Assembly Lower Left Hand (#61408-62010), when in good working condition, enhances the overall effectiveness of the Side Member system, contributing to the safety and efficiency of the vehicle.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number 61408-62010

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