2-3 Shift Valve Plug

About this product

The 2-3 Shift Valve Plug (#35452-36010), a key Drive-Chassis part in the Valve Body & Oil Strainer (Atm) system, plays a pivotal role in managing the fluid flow within the transmission during gear shifting. As your vehicle moves from second to third gear, this valve plug ensures a smooth transition by regulating hydraulic pressure. Genuine Toyota parts, such as the 2-3 Shift Valve Plug (#35452-36010), are crucial for vehicle compatibility and backed by Toyota's genuine parts warranty. If the valve plug becomes worn or clogged, this can inhibit gear transition, increasing wear on other transmission components and potentially compromising your vehicle's performance. Regular replacement of this part is therefore recommended to maintain optimal transmission function and extend the lifespan of related components. The 2-3 Shift Valve Plug (#35452-36010) is essential for the efficiency and safety of your vehicle, underpinning smooth gear changes and a seamless driving experience.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number 35452-36010

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