
About this product

The Plug (#90339-16001), an essential component in the Electrical Heating & Air Conditioning - Water Piping system, Engine-Fuel Cylinder Head system, and the Engine-Fuel Radiator & Water Outlet system of your Toyota vehicle, functions as a sealing or blocking device. It prevents leakage and governs the flow of fluids or gases within these systems. Genuine Toyota Plug (#90339-16001)s perfectly fit your vehicle, enhancing its compatibility and performance. Plus, these parts come with Toyota's genuine parts warranty. As time passes, Plug (#90339-16001)s can become old, clogged, or broken which can lead to leakage, pressure imbalance, or even system failure. Therefore, periodic replacement of Plug (#90339-16001)s is crucial to prevent such adverse effects. A well-maintained Plug (#90339-16001) not only contributes to the efficiency of your vehicle but also enhances safety by averting potential malfunctions.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Previous Version(s) 16100-61110;16100-61190;16100-69105;16100-69125;17705-11230;17705-11330;19000-38110;90339-16007
Part Number 90339-16001

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