Plug-Cylinder Block

About this product

The Plug-Cylinder Block (#SU003-00105), a crucial component in the Engine-Fuel category, plays a pivotal role in the Cylinder Block system of your car. It operates by effectively sealing off the coolant passages in the engine's cylinder block, a function that is essential for maintaining the proper engine operating temperature. Using Toyota's genuine parts, like the Plug-Cylinder Block (#SU003-00105), not only optimizes vehicle compatibility but also comes with the advantage of being covered under Toyota's genuine parts warranty. As with any auto part, the Plug-Cylinder Block (#SU003-00105) requires periodic replacement. If left unchanged, aging or clogged plugs can lead to engine overheating or coolant leakage, potentially causing severe engine damage. By maintaining proper engine temperature and preventing coolant leakage, the Plug-Cylinder Block (#SU003-00105) significantly enhances the overall efficiency and safety of your vehicle’s engine system.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number SU003-00105

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