Hole Plug

About this product

The Toyota Hole Plug (#90950-01189), a front fender apron and dash panel part, plays a vital role in preventing moisture, dust, and unwanted particles from entering the vehicle's body, thus assisting in maintaining overall system cleanliness and integrity. It functions by efficiently sealing off holes in the bodywork, providing an effective barrier against potential hazards. Using genuine parts like the Hole Plug (#90950-01189) ensures perfect compatibility with your vehicle. Failure to replace a worn-out or damaged Hole Plug (#90950-01189) could result in the accumulation of dirt, moisture, or debris within the bodywork, potentially leading to rust and corrosion. Genuine parts from Toyota, of course, are backed by our genuine parts warranty. In conclusion, a perfectly functioning hole plug contributes significantly to the efficiency and safety of the vehicle, keeping the bodywork protected and the system clean and functional.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Previous Version(s) 90080-35021
Part Number 90950-01189

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