Hole Plug

About this product

The Hole Plug (#90950-01202), a crucial component in the Rear Bumper & Bumper Stay system of Toyota vehicles, serves a fundamental role in maintaining structural integrity. This Body part helps to prevent unwanted elements such as dirt, debris, and water from entering the bumper system. It functions by effectively sealing the gaps or holes in the bumper assembly. Genuine Toyota Hole Plug (#90950-01202)s are specifically designed for compatibility with your vehicle and are backed by Toyota's genuine parts warranty. Over time, the Hole Plug (#90950-01202) can wear out or get clogged, compromising its function. When this happens, it may allow harmful elements to infiltrate the bumper system, causing potential damage. Therefore, periodic replacement is essential to maintain optimal performance and longevity of the bumper system. The Hole Plug (#90950-01202), by providing a comprehensive seal, helps to sustain the bumper's structural stability and integrity, thus contributing to the overall safety and efficiency of the vehicle.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Previous Version(s) 52151-19325
Part Number 90950-01202

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