Hole Plug

About this product

The Hole Plug (#90950-01436-34), a fundamental component within the Package Tray Panel & Luggage Compartment Mat system, plays a crucial role in maintaining the integrity of the vehicle body. Its primary function is to seal unwanted or unused punctures, preventing the intrusion of dirt, dust, water, and other contaminants that could compromise the vehicle's body or internal components. As with any component, the Hole Plug (#90950-01436-34) can deteriorate over time, especially if exposed to harsh environmental conditions. When old or broken, it may fail to provide an effective seal, potentially allowing contaminants into the vehicle's interior. Consequently, periodic replacement of the Hole Plug (#90950-01436-34) is essential. Choosing genuine Toyota parts ensures compatibility with your vehicle, and as an added benefit, these parts come backed by Toyota's genuine parts warranty. Lastly, the Hole Plug (#90950-01436-34)'s role in maintaining a clean, sealed environment contributes significantly to the overall efficiency and safety of your vehicle.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number 90950-01436-34

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