Hole Plug

About this product

The Hole Plug (#90950-01457-05), a pivotal component in the Console Box & Bracket system of a Toyota vehicle, has a primary function of sealing off openings and passages within the console box. This is instrumental in preventing undesirable elements from getting into the system, preserving its integrity and functionality. Genuine Toyota parts are specifically designed for compatibility, and the Hole Plug (#90950-01457-05) comes with Toyota's genuine parts warranty. As with any vehicle part, the Hole Plug (#90950-01457-05) is not immune to wear and tear. If it becomes worn out, clogged or broken over time, this can lead to leaks, contamination of the system, and eventual damage to the Console Box & Bracket system. Regular replacement of this part is crucial not only for the efficiency and longevity of the system, but also for the safety and performance of the vehicle. A properly functioning Hole Plug (#90950-01457-05) keeps the system sealed and secure, thereby contributing to the overall health of the vehicle.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Previous Version(s) 90950-91457
Part Number 90950-01457-05

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