Oil Pan Plug

About this product

The Oil Pan Plug (#12129-75010), a critical component in Toyota's Cylinder Block system, plays a pivotal role in engine maintenance. This part is designed to seal the oil pan, helping to maintain the correct level of engine oil. As the engine operates, the oil pan plug keeps the lubricating oil inside the engine, aiding in efficient and smooth operation. Toyota's genuine Oil Pan Plug (#12129-75010) not only ensures compatibility with your vehicle but also comes with Toyota's genuine parts warranty. Over time, this part can become worn or damaged, leading to oil leaks. If neglected, this part's failure can lead to a severe drop in oil pressure, causing significant engine damage. By regularly replacing the Oil Pan Plug (#12129-75010), you can help prevent possible engine issues. Ultimately, this straightforward part contributes substantially to the overall performance and safety of your vehicle’s engine.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number 12129-75010

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