Quarter Trim Board Plug

About this product

The Quarter Trim Board Plug (#90950-01267-11), a body part in the Inside Trim Board & Door Opening Trim Moulding system, plays a foundational role in maintaining the overall aesthetics and integrity of the vehicle interior. This plug acts as a cover for the trim board, providing protection and adding to the vehicle's interior appeal. The plug is made from high-quality materials compatible with the Toyota vehicle range, making it a crucial component for all Toyota car owners. Remember, using genuine parts like the Quarter Trim Board Plug (#90950-01267-11) improves compatibility and they are backed by Toyota's genuine parts warranty. However, over time, these plugs can deteriorate or break, which could lead to exposure of the underlying trim board or even contribute to an untidy interior appearance. Thus, periodic replacement is crucial to maintain the aesthetic value and the overall integrity of the car's interior trim. By performing its function, the Quarter Trim Board Plug (#90950-01267-11) not only enhances the vehicle's interior aesthetic but also contributes to the overall vehicular safety, ensuring that no loose or exposed parts can cause any harm or discomfort.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number 90950-01267-11

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