Shift Lever Knob Plug

About this product

The Shift Lever Knob Plug (#33622-20050-C0), a Drive-Chassis part in the Shift Lever & Retainer system, performs a crucial role in your Toyota vehicle. This part's primary function is to secure the shift lever knob and retain its proper positioning while in operation. Thus, it contributes to smooth transitions between gears, ensuring optimal vehicle performance. As with any mechanical component, the Shift Lever Knob Plug (#33622-20050-C0) requires regular replacement. An old or faulty plug may result in gear shifting issues, affecting the overall operation of the vehicle and potentially posing safety risks. Genuine Toyota parts, such as this one, are recommended as they are specifically designed for compatibility with your Toyota vehicle and are backed by Toyota's genuine parts warranty. By maintaining the functionality of the Shift Lever Knob Plug (#33622-20050-C0), you are not only enhancing the efficiency of your car's transmission system but also ensuring the safety of your vehicle's operation.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Previous Version(s) 33622-20050-K0;33622-20050-02;33622-20050-J0;33622-20050-03;33622-20050-04;33622-20050-06;33622-20050-07;33622-20050-B0;33622-20050-B1;33622-20050-E0;33622-20050-E1;33622-20050-G0 More
Part Number 33622-20050-C0
Color Name Black

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