Socket Plug

About this product

The Socket Plug (#90075-60046), an integral part of Toyota's Electrical Headlamp and Electrical Rear Combination Lamp systems, enables effective signal transmission for optimal lighting. This auto part mainly acts as an intermediary, streamlining the connection between the vehicle's electrical system and the light bulbs. Within these systems, the Socket Plug (#90075-60046)'s core function is to facilitate the flow of electrical current, effectively powering up the lights for their respective functions. As time passes, this part can deteriorate, get clogged, or even break, leading to erratic light operations, or worse, total light failure. That's why it's crucial to replace this part periodically with genuine Toyota parts, which are tailor-made for compatibility and backed by Toyota's genuine parts warranty. In terms of safety and efficiency, a fully functional Socket Plug (#90075-60046) ensures consistent and reliable illumination, which is vital for nighttime driving and signaling intentions to other road users.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number 90075-60046

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