Straight Screw Plug

About this product

The Straight Screw Plug (#SU003-03613) is a fundamental Drive-Chassis part, specifically used in the Transmission Case & Oil Pan system. Its primary role is to seal off openings in the transmission case, preventing the leakage of transmission fluid while allowing for its removal when required. The straight screw design ensures a snug fit, contributing to the overall reliability of this auto part. When the Straight Screw Plug (#SU003-03613) becomes old or clogged, it can lead to a leak of transmission fluid, risking the efficiency and functionality of the automatic transmission system. Therefore, periodic replacement of this part is critical for maintaining optimal vehicle function. Using genuine Straight Screw Plug (#SU003-03613)s from Toyota Autoparts helps maintain compatibility with your Toyota vehicle and is backed by Toyota's genuine parts warranty. Ultimately, the Straight Screw Plug (#SU003-03613) plays a significant role in maintaining the efficiency and safety of your vehicle's transmission system.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number SU003-03613

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