Breather Plug Sub-Assembly

About this product

The Breather Plug Sub-Assembly (#90930-03148), a crucial Drive-Chassis part in the Clutch Housing & Transmission Case (Mtm) system, performs a vital role in maintaining optimal vehicle performance. This component allows for the proper ventilation of the transmission case, ensuring that pressure is correctly balanced and heat is dissipated efficiently under operation. Over time, the breather plug may become clogged or worn, impairing its function. This scenario can lead to transmission overheating, ineffective lubrication, and potential system damage. As such, periodic replacement is recommended. Employing genuine Toyota parts like the Breather Plug Sub-Assembly (#90930-03148) aids in maintaining vehicle compatibility and comes with the assurance of Toyota's genuine parts warranty. In conclusion, this part, though small, plays a significant role in safeguarding system efficiency and vehicle safety.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Previous Version(s) 90930-03102;90930-03111
Part Number 90930-03148

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