Plug Sub-Assembly with Head Straight Screw

About this product

The Plug Sub-Assembly with Head Straight Screw (#90341-18057) is a critical part situated within several Drive-Chassis systems of Toyota automobiles. This part serves primarily to fasten and secure various components within these systems, contributing to the smooth operation and overall safety of your vehicle. As a genuine Toyota part, it is designed to perfectly fit and function within its intended systems and is backed by Toyota's genuine parts warranty. However, like all parts, the Plug Sub-Assembly with Head Straight Screw (#90341-18057) is subject to wear and tear and may require periodic replacement. If this part becomes damaged or non-functional, it could compromise the integrity of the system it’s installed in, potentially leading to mechanical failures or safety issues. Therefore, maintaining this part in optimal condition plays a key role in ensuring the overall efficiency of your vehicle.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Previous Version(s) 42110-36022;42110-36021;42110-35012;42110-35011;33104-30010;42110-36160;42110-60040;43110-60023;43110-60030;43110-60041;42101-60902;42110-21020;33104-30031;90431-18057;43110-60050;33104-30011;42110-60031;42110-60021 More
Part Number 90341-18057

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