Taper Screw Plug

About this product

The Taper Screw Plug (#90344-53015), a crucial component in Toyota's Engine-Fuel Cylinder Block and Manifold systems, plays a vital role in capping off and sealing engine components. Its primary function is to prevent leakage of fuel and maintain the pressure required for optimum engine performance. Genuine Toyota parts, including the Taper Screw Plug (#90344-53015), offer compatibility with your vehicle and are endorsed by Toyota's genuine parts warranty. Over time, the Taper Screw Plug (#90344-53015) may corrode or wear out, thus losing its sealing ability. This can result in fuel leaks, lowered fuel efficiency, and potential engine damage. Consequently, periodic replacement of this part is essential to maintain the health of your Toyota engine. By keeping fuel contained and pressure consistent, the Taper Screw Plug (#90344-53015) contributes significantly to the overall efficiency and safety of your vehicle's engine systems.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number 90344-53015

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