Transfer Input Shaft Plug

About this product

The Transfer Input Shaft Plug (#36218-34010), a critical Drive-Chassis part in the Transfer Gear system, primarily aids in maintaining the fluid pressure necessary for the smooth gear shifting process in Toyota vehicles. When the vehicle is in motion, it prevents the escape of vital lubrication fluids, keeping them within the system. However, over time, the plug may wear out, become clogged or broken and thus fail to keep the required pressure. This can cause a decrease in system efficiency and may lead to potential damage to the transmission system. Replacing the plug with genuine Toyota Autoparts, which are designed for vehicle compatibility and backed by Toyota's genuine parts warranty, can prevent such issues. A well-maintained Transfer Input Shaft Plug (#36218-34010) contributes significantly to the system's overall efficiency and safety, ensuring seamless gear transition and an optimal driving experience.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number 36218-34010

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