Plug with Head Taper Screw

About this product

The Plug with Head Taper Screw (#90345-54005), an essential component of the Cylinder Head system, plays a vital role in the efficiency of the Engine-Fuel parts. As part of its role, it aids in regulating the pressure and flow of fuel to the engine. This part works synergistically with other parts, ensuring a smooth and optimised engine performance. Over time, the Plug with Head Taper Screw (#90345-54005) may wear out, become clogged or break. When this happens, it can negatively affect fuel consumption, engine performance, and may even lead to engine damage. Therefore, regular replacement of this part with a genuine Toyota part is recommended. By using genuine Toyota auto parts, you not only benefit from a part that is compatible with your vehicle, but you also receive the support of Toyota's genuine parts warranty. In conclusion, the Plug with Head Taper Screw (#90345-54005) significantly contributes to the overall performance, fuel efficiency, and safety of your vehicle.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Previous Version(s) 11101-49146;11101-61070;11101-60081;11101-60080;11101-59106;11101-59096;11101-59105;11101-59095;11101-49145;90345-54002;16100-96002;90345-54004;11101-60082 More
Part Number 90345-54005

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