Lock Up Control Valve Plunger

About this product

The Lock Up Control Valve Plunger (#35219-30010), a paramount component within the Drive-Chassis part of the Valve Body & Oil Strainer (Atm) system, plays a crucial role in regulating transmission fluid flow. This Toyota Autopart manages fluid pressure and flow, enabling smooth gear transitions and stable driving conditions. Coupled with components like the torque converter and valve body, it ensures optimal operation of the automatic transmission system. Aged, clogged or broken plungers can disrupt fluid flow, causing transmission issues like erratic shifts, slippage, or overheating. Therefore, periodic replacement is vital. Using genuine Toyota parts helps promote compatibility and longevity, and they are supported by Toyota's genuine parts warranty. A functioning Lock Up Control Valve Plunger (#35219-30010) contributes significantly to the efficiency and safety of the vehicle's transmission system, keeping your drive smooth and trouble-free.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number 35219-30010

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