Quarter Trim Pocket #2

About this product

The Quarter Trim Pocket #2 (#62595-60040-B1), a key component in the Inside Trim Board system of your Toyota vehicle, plays an integral role in enhancing both functionality and aesthetic appeal. This auto part provides additional storage space within your car's interior, allowing for convenient access and clutter-free surroundings. However, over time the Quarter Trim Pocket #2 (#62595-60040-B1) may succumb to wear and tear, becoming dysfunctional or aesthetically unpleasant. When this occurs, replacement is recommended to maintain the integrity of your vehicle's interior. Genuine Toyota parts offer superior compatibility with your vehicle, thus ensuring seamless fit and function. Moreover, all genuine parts are backed by Toyota's genuine parts warranty, providing peace of mind with every purchase. By maintaining the condition of your Quarter Trim Pocket #2 (#62595-60040-B1), you preserve the practicality and appearance of your car's interior, contributing to an overall satisfying driving experience.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Previous Version(s) 62595-60040-A1;62595-60040-A0;62595-60040-B0
Part Number 62595-60040-B1
Color Name Stone

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