Motor Antenna Pole Sub-Assembly

About this product

The Motor Antenna Pole Sub-Assembly (#86309-17090), a key electrical component in the antenna system of your Toyota, performs the critical task of receiving signals. This part allows the antenna to expand and retract as needed, optimizing signal reception for both radio and GPS functions. Manufactured with precision to fit Toyota models, genuine Motor Antenna Pole Sub-Assemblies are covered by Toyota's genuine parts warranty, offering peace of mind. Over time, this part can wear out or become damaged, impacting the quality of signal reception. In worst-case scenarios, a broken Motor Antenna Pole Sub-Assembly (#86309-17090) could prevent the antenna from retracting entirely, leaving it exposed to potential damage. The regular replacement of this part is important for maintaining clear signal reception, thus ensuring the efficiency of your vehicle's communication and navigation capabilities.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number 86309-17090

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