Pillar Antenna Pole Sub-Assembly

About this product

The Pillar Antenna Pole Sub-Assembly (#86309-08040), an electrical part in the Antenna system, plays a key role in receiving and transmitting signals in your Toyota vehicle. As this part ages, its performance may degrade due to wear, reducing the quality of signal reception and transmission, which can impact the functionality of your vehicle's radio and GPS systems. Genuine Toyota parts such as the Pillar Antenna Pole Sub-Assembly (#86309-08040) are recommended for compatibility with your vehicle. These parts are backed by Toyota's genuine parts warranty. If this part breaks or becomes non-functional, the overall performance of your automobile's Antenna system may be hindered, affecting the efficiency and safety of your vehicle's radio and GPS systems. In conclusion, the Pillar Antenna Pole Sub-Assembly (#86309-08040) is crucial for maintaining clear and accurate communication, ensuring your vehicle operates at its best.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number 86309-08040

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