Pulltop Antenna Pole Sub-Assembly

About this product

The Pulltop Antenna Pole Sub-Assembly (#86309-32011), a critical component in Toyota's Antenna system, assumes a vital position due to its role in receiving radio signals. As an Electric part, it extends and retracts, capturing and sending signals to your car's radio. This action is underpinned by a series of intricate mechanisms which, with age, can become worn or damaged, causing poor radio reception. In such instances, replacing the part with a genuine Toyota component is highly advisable. Genuine parts offer optimal compatibility and are supported by Toyota's genuine parts warranty. Failure to replace a deteriorated Antenna Pole Sub-Assembly could result in a loss of signal reception, affecting your ability to access vital traffic updates or enjoy in-car entertainment. Hence, this part significantly contributes to both the efficiency of the Antenna system and the overall driving experience.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Previous Version(s) 86309-32010
Part Number 86309-32011

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