
About this product

The Protector (#87268-0R040), a body part in Toyota's Spoiler & Side Mudguard system, plays a critical role in safeguarding the vehicle from potential damage. It functions by shielding the vehicle's bodywork from mud, grime and small stones, which can harm the paintwork and even lead to corrosion over time. Genuine Toyota Protector (#87268-0R040)s are notable for their compatibility with the vehicle, maintaining fit and form, and protecting your investment. Toyota's genuine parts warranty backs these protectors, ensuring peace of mind for motorists. Over time, these protectors can wear out or even break, leading to less effective protection. This could expose the vehicle to potential damage, affecting both its appearance and its resale value. By replacing it periodically, you maintain the car's efficiency and safety, reflecting the importance of this humble but essential auto part.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number 87268-0R040

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