
About this product

The Protector (#87268-76010) is a crucial electrical component within the Heating & Air Conditioning - Control & Air Duct system of your Toyota vehicle. This part's primary role is to safeguard various sensitive components from electrical surges or overheating. During operation, it continuously monitors and adjusts the electrical current within the system, effectively maintaining optimal performance. Like all parts, the Protector (#87268-76010) is subject to wear and tear, and may require periodic replacement. A worn-out or non-functional Protector (#87268-76010) can lead to electrical disruptions or heat damage in the system. Consequently, the overall efficiency of the air conditioning and heating system may be compromised, affecting your comfort and safety. In keeping with Toyota's commitment to quality, we recommend using genuine parts. This ensures compatibility with your vehicle and is backed by Toyota's genuine parts warranty. Remember, a well-maintained Protector (#87268-76010) helps maintain the optimal operation of your vehicle's Heating & Air Conditioning system.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number 87268-76010

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