Air Duct Protector Left Hand

About this product

The Air Duct Protector Left Hand (#87222-08010), a critical component in the Heating & Air Conditioning - Control & Air Duct system, is an Electrical part that primarily shields the air duct from foreign bodies and breakage while channeling clean, cool or heated air into the vehicle. Its functionality relies heavily on its robust design and appropriate fit, which is why genuine Toyota Autoparts are recommended for maximum vehicle compatibility. These genuine parts are supported by Toyota's genuine parts warranty, providing assurance of quality and longevity. Over time, the Air Duct Protector Left Hand (#87222-08010) could become old and clogged, possibly leading to inadequate cooling or heating, poor air quality or even damage to the air duct system. Therefore, regular replacement is suggested to maintain optimal system performance. In conclusion, the Air Duct Protector Left Hand (#87222-08010) enhances the efficiency and safety of the Heating & Air Conditioning system, making it a crucial part of your Toyota vehicle's comfort and functionality.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number 87222-08010

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