Clearance Lamp Protector Left Hand

About this product

The Clearance Lamp Protector Left Hand (#81624-62010) is a vital component in Toyota's Front Clearance Lamp system. It is an electrical part designed to shield the clearance lamp from potential damage, ensuring the longevity of the lamp and maintaining its operational efficiency. This protector plays a pivotal role in safeguarding the clearance lamp from external threats such as road debris or harsh weather conditions. If the protector gets old, damaged, or non-functional, it could compromise the clearance lamp, leading to visibility issues, especially in poor lighting conditions, posing safety risks. Regular replacement of the Clearance Lamp Protector Left Hand (#81624-62010) is essential for maintaining the lamp's effectiveness. Always opt for genuine Toyota Autoparts, which are not only compatible with your vehicle but also backed by Toyota's genuine parts warranty. This simple yet crucial component significantly contributes to the overall safety of the front clearance lamp system.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number 81624-62010

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