Protector Filler

About this product

The Protector Filler (#SU003-01053), a vital component in the Fuel Tank & Tube system, serves a key role in preserving the integrity of your Toyota's fuel system. As a Body part, its primary function is to shield the fuel filler tube from potential damage and direct contact with fuel. This component is instrumental in averting fuel leaks, which could lead to dangerous situations if not addressed. Genuine Toyota parts are designed for optimal compatibility with your vehicle, and the Protector Filler (#SU003-01053) is no exception. Furthermore, genuine parts come with Toyota's genuine parts warranty, affirming their quality and reliability. Periodic replacement of the Protector Filler (#SU003-01053) is crucial to maintain its effectiveness. A worn-out or broken protector could lead to fuel leaks, posing a safety risk and potentially leading to expensive repairs. A well-maintained Protector Filler (#SU003-01053) is not only beneficial in terms of safety, but it also contributes to the overall efficiency of your vehicle's fuel system.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number SU003-01053

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