Front Pillar Cover Protector Left Hand

About this product

The Front Pillar Cover Protector Left Hand (#61992-35010), an essential component within the Hood & Front Fender system, is a body part specifically designed for Toyota vehicles. It primarily functions as a protective shield for the car's pillars, preventing damage from exposure to the elements or potential impact. Genuine Toyota parts enhance the compatibility of your vehicle, and the Front Pillar Cover Protector Left Hand (#61992-35010) is no exception. Backed by Toyota's genuine parts warranty, it offers assurance of its quality and reliability. Periodic replacement of the Front Pillar Cover Protector Left Hand (#61992-35010) is crucial. Over time, it may become worn, broken, or non-functional due to weather conditions or incidental damage, potentially exposing the pillars to harm. Such damage could compromise the structural integrity of your vehicle. In conclusion, the Front Pillar Cover Protector Left Hand (#61992-35010) not only maintains the aesthetic appeal of your Toyota vehicle but also contributes to its safety and efficiency by protecting its structural components.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number 61992-35010

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