Fuel Tank Protector Lower Ctr

About this product

The Fuel Tank Protector Lower Ctr (#77631-06011), a crucial part of the Fuel Tank & Tube system, shields the fuel tank from potential damages caused by road debris and impacts. This Body part functions by serving as a protective barrier, guarding the tank from external factors that could rupture or puncture the tank. The use of genuine Toyota parts enhances vehicle compatibility and these parts are supported by Toyota's genuine parts warranty. Over time, the Fuel Tank Protector Lower Ctr (#77631-06011) may suffer wear and tear, necessitating replacement. Neglecting to replace a damaged protector could expose the fuel tank to potential damage, resulting in costly repairs or even hazardous fuel leaks. In its role of safeguarding the fuel tank, the Fuel Tank Protector Lower Ctr (#77631-06011) contributes greatly to the system's overall safety — by preventing fuel leaks, it reduces the risk of fire and helps maintain fuel efficiency.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Previous Version(s) 77631-06010;77631-33010;77631-33020;77631-33021
Part Number 77631-06011

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