Intercooler Protector

About this product

The Intercooler Protector (#17943-51011), an essential Engine-Fuel part in the Air Cleaner system, plays a crucial role in safeguarding the intercooler from potential damage. This component's primary duty is to deflect harmful debris and protect the intercooler from the heat produced by the turbocharger, thus maintaining the overall efficiency of the vehicle's engine. The Intercooler Protector (#17943-51011), like all parts, can get old and become less effective over time. If it is not replaced regularly, it may fail to shield the intercooler, leading to potential damage to the engine and costly repairs. Genuine Toyota parts are recommended for optimal vehicle compatibility, and the Intercooler Protector (#17943-51011) is no exception to this. Moreover, Toyota backs their genuine parts with a warranty for additional peace of mind. In conclusion, this simple yet crucial part helps preserve the efficiency and longevity of the engine by maintaining the efficacy of the intercooler.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number 17943-51011

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