Inverter Connector Cover Protector

About this product

The Inverter Connector Cover Protector (#G921D-47010) is a vital component to the Wiring & Clamp system within Toyota vehicles. This key electrical part primarily serves to shield the connector from the inverter, helping prevent potential damage due to heat and debris. This cover protector plays a pivotal role in maintaining the proper operation of the inverter connector, which can be compromised if the part becomes old, clogged or damaged. Regular replacement of this part is necessary as a broken or non-functioning protector could lead to malfunction of the connector or even damage to the inverter. Genuine Toyota parts like the Inverter Connector Cover Protector (#G921D-47010) are designed for superior vehicle compatibility and come with Toyota's genuine parts warranty. In its function, this protector enhances the overall efficiency as well as safety of the electrical system.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number G921D-47010

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