Jar Protector

About this product

The Toyota Jar Protector (#85336-35380), an essential electrical component in the Windshield Washer system, plays a key role in safeguarding the washer fluid reservoir. This allows for a clear, unobstructed flow of washer fluid, contributing to the overall efficiency of the system. Genuine Toyota parts, like this Jar Protector (#85336-35380), are designed for perfect compatibility with your Toyota vehicle and are backed by Toyota's genuine parts warranty. Over time, a Jar Protector (#85336-35380) can become clogged or worn, impairing its function and potentially causing issues with the Windshield Washer system. Therefore, periodic replacement is advised. A malfunctioning Jar Protector (#85336-35380) can lead to an inefficient washer system, impacting visibility while driving. In conclusion, the Jar Protector (#85336-35380) is a crucial component in maintaining the optimal function of your Toyota's Windshield Washer system, thereby contributing to your vehicle's safety features.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number 85336-35380

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