Luggage Compartment Si Cover Protector #2

About this product

The Luggage Compartment Si Cover Protector #2 (#58724-0E060) is a crucial auto part in Toyota's Floor Pan & Lower Back Panel system. It is primarily in place to shield the luggage compartment from damage and wear. When operating, this Body part works by providing protective coverage for your luggage compartment, which is exposed to heavy use and potential impacts. Over time, the Cover Protector may wear down or become damaged, impacting its ability to protect efficiently. When this happens, it's essential to replace it with a genuine Toyota part for optimal compatibility. Toyota's genuine parts are supported by their warranty, offering assurance of quality and reliability. Failure to replace a worn or damaged Luggage Compartment Si Cover Protector #2 (#58724-0E060) could lead to substantial damage to the luggage compartment and related components. Ultimately, this part plays a significant role in maintaining the overall integrity and safety of the vehicle's storage space.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number 58724-0E060

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