Protector R Right Hand

About this product

The Protector R Right Hand (#SU003-03130), a vital auto part in the Side Moulding system, serves a significant role in preserving the body of Toyota vehicles. Technically, it's engineered to act as a guard against potential scrapes, dings, or damage to the vehicle's body. Genuine Toyota parts like the Protector R Right Hand (#SU003-03130) ensure perfect compatibility with your vehicle. The Protector R Right Hand (#SU003-03130)’s lifespan depends on variables such as driving conditions and accidents. A worn, damaged, or non-functional Protector R Right Hand (#SU003-03130) leads to increased risk of body damage, which is both unsightly and costly to repair. By choosing genuine Toyota parts, which are backed by Toyota’s genuine parts warranty, you're investing in the longevity and aesthetics of your vehicle. Thus, the Protector R Right Hand (#SU003-03130) becomes an essential component to maintain the overall appearance and efficiency of your Toyota vehicle.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number SU003-03130

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