Seat Belt Webbing Protector Right Hand

About this product

The Seat Belt Webbing Protector Right Hand (#73117-0E020), a crucial component in the Seat Belt & Child Restaint Seat system, primarily safeguards the fabric of the seat belt from wear and tear which may result from frequent usage or harsh environmental conditions. This protector is responsible for maintaining the health of the seat belt webbing, which is essential for the seat belt to function effectively. Over time, the protector may become worn out or damaged and may require replacement. Neglecting to replace an old or broken protector can lead to premature wear of the seat belt webbing, potentially compromising the safety of the car's occupants. By using genuine Toyota Autoparts, compatibility with your vehicle is maintained and the Seat Belt Webbing Protector Right Hand (#73117-0E020) is backed by Toyota's genuine parts warranty. Moreover, a well-maintained Seat Belt Webbing Protector Right Hand (#73117-0E020) contributes to the overall safety and efficiency of the system it supports.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number 73117-0E020

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