Seat Leg Box Protector #1

About this product

The Seat Leg Box Protector #1 (#79997-08020-C0) is a vital component in your Toyota's Seat & Seat Track system. This Body part primarily functions to provide protection and support to the seat leg and its components, ensuring they remain undamaged during vehicle operation. If this part ages or becomes broken, the seat leg and its components may experience unwarranted wear and tear, potentially compromising your driving experience. This makes periodic replacement of the Seat Leg Box Protector #1 (#79997-08020-C0) a necessity. Genuine Toyota parts are designed with high compatibility in mind, enhancing the overall function and safety of your vehicle's seat system. Moreover, Toyota backs all genuine parts with their genuine parts warranty, lending further reassurance to their quality and reliability. In conclusion, the Seat Leg Box Protector #1 (#79997-08020-C0) is instrumental in preserving the integrity and durability of your Toyota's Seat & Seat Track system, contributing to a safer and more comfortable driving experience.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Previous Version(s) 79997-08012-C0
Part Number 79997-08020-C0
Color Name Black

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