Shift Lock Control Protector

About this product

The Shift Lock Control Protector (#85937-35010) is a crucial Electrical part in the Switch & Relay & Computer system of Toyota vehicles. This component primarily prevents the gear from being shifted out of the 'Park' position without the driver's explicit intention, contributing significantly to the safety of the vehicle. The part is designed to work in harmony with the brake signal, and only allows gear shifting when the brake pedal is engaged. Over time, like any mechanical part, the Shift Lock Control Protector (#85937-35010) can wear down, become faulty, or even fail completely. When this happens, your vehicle's safety is compromised as accidental shifting could occur. Regular replacement of this part is essential. Toyota's genuine parts warranty supports our genuine Shift Lock Control Protector (#85937-35010)s, which are specifically designed to fit and function perfectly within your Toyota vehicle. Finally, a properly functioning Shift Lock Control Protector (#85937-35010) contributes to the overall safety and efficiency of your vehicle by ensuring the gear can only be shifted when intended, preventing accidental movement of the vehicle.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number 85937-35010

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