Spare Wheel Protector

About this product

As an integral part of the Body Floor Pan & Lower Back Panel and the Body Package Tray Panel & Luggage Compartment Mat systems, the Spare Wheel Protector (#64778-22010) plays a crucial role in safeguarding the spare wheel from damages and contaminants. When operating, this component serves as a barrier, protecting the wheel from potentially damaging elements such as water, debris, or physical impacts. It's worth noting that over time, the Spare Wheel Protector (#64778-22010) can wear out or become damaged, which can expose the spare wheel to risk of damage. Replacing it periodically with genuine Toyota parts will maintain the vehicle compatibility and benefit from Toyota's genuine parts warranty. Ultimately, an effective Spare Wheel Protector (#64778-22010) contributes significantly to the vehicle's overall safety and efficiency by ensuring that the spare wheel is in optimal condition and ready for use when needed.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number 64778-22010

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