Stabilizer Protector

About this product

The Stabilizer Protector (#48826-60010), a vital Drive-Chassis part located in the Rear Spring & Shock Absorber system, plays a crucial role in maintaining the stability of your Toyota vehicle. This protector is designed to shield the stabilizer bar, which is directly involved in balancing the vehicle during turns or when driving on uneven terrain. The efficiency of the Stabilizer Protector (#48826-60010) can diminish over time due to wear and tear. A degraded or broken protector exposes the stabilizer bar to potential damage, which can lead to imbalanced handling and consequently, safety issues. Therefore, periodic replacement is necessary and should be done with genuine parts to maintain vehicle compatibility. Genuine Toyota parts are backed by Toyota's genuine parts warranty, assuring long-lasting durability and performance. In essence, a well-functioning Stabilizer Protector (#48826-60010) contributes to the overall safety and performance of your Toyota vehicle by safeguarding the stabilizer bar, thus ensuring a smooth and balanced ride.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number 48826-60010

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