Washer Protector A

About this product

The Washer Protector A (#85389-28361) is a crucial electrical part from Toyota Autoparts, residing within the Windshield Washer system. Its primary role is to safeguard the washer's pump and motor from electrical overloads, hence protecting the system from potential damage. The Washer Protector A (#85389-28361) achieves this by modulating the electrical currents within the system during operation. This essential part, like any other, has a lifecycle and necessitates periodic replacement. An old or broken Washer Protector A (#85389-28361) could fail to regulate electrical flow, leading to pump or motor damage and affecting the windshield washer function. Using genuine Toyota parts such as the Washer Protector A (#85389-28361) not only ensures compatibility with your vehicle but also comes with Toyota's genuine parts warranty. In essence, the Washer Protector A (#85389-28361) is key to maintaining the overall efficiency and safety of your vehicle's Windshield Washer system. Through its preventative role, it helps avoid costly repairs and contributes to a clear, safe field of vision on the road.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number 85389-28361

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