Wiring Harness Protector

The Wiring Harness Protector (#8281716750), a crucial component within Toyota's Electrical/Wiring & Clamp system, oversees the safeguarding of electrical wires against potential damage. Acting as a protective shell, it encases the wiring harness, warding off harm from heat, abrasions, or moisture that could compromise the integrity of the wires. Its role in maintaining intact and efficient wiring is paramount. When it becomes aged, broken, or non-functional, it may fail to provide adequate protection, inviting potential damage to the wiring harness. This can lead to electrical failures, impacting the overall system's performance and safety. Using genuine Toyota parts, like this protector, not only offers perfect compatibility for your vehicle but also comes under Toyota's genuine parts warranty. So, your investment in the Wiring Harness Protector (#8281716750) signifies an investment in your vehicle's longevity, safety, and overall electrical efficacy.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number 82817-16750

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