Wiring Harness Protector #2

About this product

The Wiring Harness Protector #2 (#82818-07012), a crucial component in the Luggage Compartment Door & Lock system of Toyota vehicles, is tasked with protecting the wiring setup from physical damage. During operation, the protector shields the wiring harness from impacts, sharp edges, and potential exposure to harmful elements, thereby preserving the integrity of the electrical connections within the luggage compartment door and lock system. Over time, as it endures wear and tear, the Wiring Harness Protector #2 (#82818-07012) may need replacement. A compromised protector could lead to damaged wires, which can disrupt the function of the luggage compartment door and lock system. Genuine Toyota parts are highly compatible with your vehicle and are supported by Toyota's genuine parts warranty. The Wiring Harness Protector #2 (#82818-07012) plays a vital role in maintaining the efficiency and safety of the system it belongs to, by safeguarding the wires that enable the luggage compartment's door and lock functionality.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Previous Version(s) 82818-07010;82818-07011
Part Number 82818-07012

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