Yawrate Sensor Protector

About this product

The Yawrate Sensor Protector (#89187-52010) is an important electrical part in the ABS & VSC system of your Toyota vehicle. Its primary role is to shield the yawrate sensor, whose function is to measure the angular velocity of the vehicle about its vertical axis. The protector ensures that the sensor operates optimally, free from any potential harm or damage. Just like the other components, the Yawrate Sensor Protector (#89187-52010) needs periodic replacement. If not replaced, it could affect the functionality of the sensor, which in turn might lead to incorrect readings and possibly even vehicular instability. Remember, utilizing genuine parts enhances compatibility with your vehicle. Also, Toyota's genuine parts, like the Yawrate Sensor Protector (#89187-52010), are backed by Toyota's genuine parts warranty. Overall, a well-functioning Yawrate Sensor Protector (#89187-52010) contributes significantly to the safety and efficiency of your ABS & VSC system.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number 89187-52010

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