Pull Handle Assembly

About this product

The Toyota Pull Handle Assembly (#SU003-01407) is a crucial component within the Fuel Tank & Tube system. This part is responsible for creating a secure and accessible connection between the driver and the fuel tank. Its main function is to enable the tank to be opened and closed with ease, allowing for efficient refuelling and ensuring that the tank is properly sealed after the process. As with any mechanical part, the Pull Handle Assembly (#SU003-01407) is subject to wear and tear over time and must be replaced periodically. A worn-out, broken, or non-functioning pull handle can lead to fuel leakage or contamination, compromising not only the vehicle's fuel efficiency but also the safety of its occupants. Using a genuine Toyota Part for replacement guarantees compatibility with your vehicle and is backed by Toyota's genuine parts warranty. This ensures that your Fuel Tank & Tube system continues to operate at peak levels, contributing to the vehicle's overall efficiency and safety.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number SU003-01407

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