Idler Pulley Assembly

About this product

The Idler Pulley Assembly (#16630-21020), a critical component in Toyota's Engine-Fuel Mounting system, primarily serves to maintain tension on the drive belts, enabling smooth and efficient operation. This assembly includes a pulley, bolt, and bracket that work in unison to keep the belts taut and operating at optimal levels. Over time, this assembly may become worn or damaged, and if not replaced could result in decreased efficiency or potential failure of the drive belts. To prevent these scenarios, genuine Toyota parts can offer greater compatibility and longevity, backed by Toyota's genuine parts warranty. In sum, the Idler Pulley Assembly (#16630-21020) plays a pivotal role in maintaining the efficiency of the Mounting system, and by extension, the overall performance of your Toyota vehicle.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number 16630-21020

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