
About this product

The Pulley-Idler (#SU003-00500), a vital Engine-Fuel part in the water pump system of Toyota vehicles, plays a significant role in maintaining the proper tension on the belt that drives the water pump. This function ensures the pump can effectively circulate coolant and prevent overheating. The Pulley-Idler (#SU003-00500) operates through precision bearings that allow it to spin freely, keeping the tension on the belt balanced. As with any auto part, it needs periodic replacement. An old or broken Pulley-Idler (#SU003-00500) may not maintain the correct tension, leading to premature belt wear or failure, disrupting water pump operation and potentially causing engine overheating. Using genuine Toyota parts enhances vehicle compatibility and reliability. These genuine parts are also backed by Toyota's genuine parts warranty. In sum, the Pulley-Idler (#SU003-00500) is crucial for the overall efficiency and safety of your vehicle's water pump system.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number SU003-00500

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