Parking Brake Segmental Pulley

About this product

The Parking Brake Segmental Pulley (#47626-60010), a Drive-Chassis part in the Rear Drum Brake Wheel Cylinder & Backing Plate system of your Toyota vehicle, plays a critical role in the activation of your vehicle's parking brake. As the parking brake is engaged, this pulley works in tandem with the brake shoes and brake drum to create friction, thereby immobilizing the vehicle. It is crucial to periodically replace this part as an old, worn out pulley could lead to a slip in the braking system, resulting in a potential safety issue. Genuine Toyota parts are recommended for optimal compatibility with your vehicle and are supported by Toyota's genuine parts warranty. Overall, the Parking Brake Segmental Pulley (#47626-60010) is a vital component that contributes to the safety and efficiency of your vehicle's brake system.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number 47626-60010

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