Pump Assembly Fuel

About this product

The Pump Assembly Fuel (#SU003-09064), a crucial body part in the Fuel Tank & Tube system, primarily circulates fuel from the tank to the engine. It functions by creating pressure, pushing fuel through the system to enable the car's operation. Over time, this part can become worn, clogged, or non-functional, leading to a decrease in the vehicle's performance or even failure to start. Using genuine Toyota auto parts for replacement not only ensures vehicle compatibility but also is backed by Toyota's genuine parts warranty. If the Pump Assembly Fuel (#SU003-09064) fails, the car could suffer from poor fuel efficiency, stalling, or loss of power. In conclusion, a functional fuel pump assembly contributes substantially to the system's efficiency, keeping your Toyota running smoothly and securely.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number SU003-09064

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