Fuel Pump

About this product

The Fuel Pump (#23221-21060), an essential auto part in both the Body Fuel Tank & Tube system and the Engine-Fuel Fuel Injection System, primarily delivers fuel from the tank to the engine at a suitable pressure for optimal performance. As fuel is pumped, it is also filtered to keep the engine clean and running smoothly. Genuine Toyota parts like this one are designed for full compatibility with your vehicle and come with the reassurance of Toyota's genuine parts warranty. As a critical part, the Fuel Pump (#23221-21060) requires regular replacement. An old, broken, or clogged Fuel Pump (#23221-21060) can lead to poor fuel economy, power loss, or even engine failure. Through maintaining a steady, clean supply of fuel to the engine, the Fuel Pump (#23221-21060) aids in achieving maximum efficiency and safe operation of your Toyota vehicle. Regular replacement of this vital component will ensure your Toyota keeps running as it should.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Previous Version(s) 23221-21030
Part Number 23221-21060

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